Gigayachts too go electric

FB272 Benetti, more than 100 m of ship with hybrid propulsion

We asked Alberto Amici, founder of AUXILIA ELECTRIC PROPULSION (an RTN Srl brand – and an expert in electric and hybrid propulsion some questions about the launch of the new FB272 build from the Benetti yard.

Can you illustrate the main technical characteristics of this new creation from the Benetti yard?

On February 5th, the eyes of the world turned once again to Livorno, where Italian shipyard Benetti successfully launched FB272, the second vessel to demonstrate its jaw-dropping new giga yacht building capabilities. FB272 is a steel yacht with aluminium superstructure built to comply with the PYC (Passenger Yacht Code). FB272 has a displacement of above 5,500 GT, a length of about 100 meters and a beam of 17 meters. The yacht is fitted with a pioneering hybrid propulsion system with diesel-electric engines and two Azipods propulsion units connected to a special battery pack conceived and provided by the owner for total vibration-free navigation in absolute silence.

What are the big names who helped create this build?

FB272 has been built to the unique taste of a very experienced owner in luxury yachts who has from the start of the project made available the Burgess Technical Services team, a full time, highly skilled and dedicated technical and project management team which has brought its significant experience and expertise in luxury yachts to the project. Prior to going to contract, the owner spent significant time in the development of the exterior design, initially with Hugo van Wieringen from Azure Naval Architects and then with the assistance of Reymond Langton Design and Zaniz Jakubowski of Zaniz Interiors. The exterior design was refined post contract with the assistance of Benetti’s in-house designer, Giorgio Cassetta, supporting Zaniz Interiors who took over responsibility for both the exterior and interior design of the yacht.

Can you tell us more about electric and hybrid propulsion?

The generating/propulsion package is obtained from six generators of about 1000 kW each. The electric energy produced by these generators is electronically managed with a sophisticated, fully integrated power management system, to power services on board and the electric motors of two Azipods of 2200 kW each. The reserve of electrical energy is used also to charge 35 tonnes of batteries that can make the yacht work for 12 hours without an engine operating.

This propulsion package is today the state-of-the-art of the technology, made by such leading companies as Caterpillar and ABB under the coordination of the Benetti design office. The advantage of this system is that you sail without vibrations and in complete silence: with such a stable and silent cruise, guests might find it hard to realise they are on a voyage.

What other architectural and technical innovations is it worth highlighting on this GigaYacht?

FB272 is impressively high and massive to offer a new sense of proportion and demonstrates the huge scope of imagination and build capacity at the Italian shipyard. She features an advanced Lutron domotic system – approximately 500 kilometres of cable

run across her hull and superstructure. Despite this hi-tech soul, she provides masses of connection with the outside world: the huge windows with 3 meters height offer an incredibly extensive glazing which floods the interior with light, thanks to an outstanding surface of 800 square meters of window glass. The air conditioning system and chiller units –which were based on the owner’s specific requirements are one of the biggest ever installed inside a yacht of this size with a total cooling capacity of approximately 3,000KW. The yacht is equipped with a waste heat recovery system conceived by the owner that is capable to feed the yacht and save electrical power in line with the latest green environment requirements.

After a lot of experience in making electrical and hybrid systems for Megayachts, what emotions does the launch of the FB 272 give you?

Reduction of pollutants and carbon emissions is a high priority for the marine industry and port cities. Regulation to restrict diesel emissions are being introduced at the local and regional levels in various parts of the world, and this is generating interest in zero-emission technology. In 2018 the United Nations International Maritime Organization (IMO) announced a strategy to reduce GHG emission from ships, including a 50% reduction in GHGs by 2050 as compared to the 2008 level, and complete elimination of GHG’s as soon as possible in the century. There is no turning back here and also the pleasure craft sector will have to fall into line. Examples like the FB272 are source of inspiration.

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